275/366: Bug on Mustard Blossoms

Beetles & Bugs

Folder: Insects


Eye-spotted Lady Beetle, Anatis mali

27 May 2011 287
Eye-spotted Lady Beetle, Anatis mali (not definite on this) Thanks to Phil Huntley-Franck for identification information!

Seven-spotted Lady Beetle, Coccinella septempuncta…

28 May 2011 258
Seven-spotted Lady Beetle, Coccinella septempunctata I was waiting for my husband and had the camera out to pass the few moments. Kneeling in the grass, what should I find but this lovely ladybug! Thanks to Phil Huntley-Franck for identification information!




28 May 2011 367
The bee is probably a Sweat Bee, Halictus farinosus Thanks to Phil Huntley-Franck for identification information!

Soldier Beetle, family Cantharidae 2

28 May 2011 230
Soldier Beetle, family Cantharidae Thanks to Phil Huntley-Franck for identification information!

Soldier Beetle, family Cantharidae

28 May 2011 1 1 252
Soldier Beetle, family Cantharidae Thanks to Phil Huntley-Franck for identification information!



Bordered Plant Bugs Mating

29 May 2011 2 249
Bordered Plant Bug pair mating, Largus californicus, genus Largus, family Largidae Thanks to Phil Huntley-Franck for identification information!

Western Boxelder Bug, Boisea rubrolineat

30 May 2011 1 1 252
Western Boxelder Bug, Boisea rubrolineat Thanks to Phil Huntley-Franck for identification information!


Ladybug Larva

Ladybug Larva

02 Jun 2011 276
I found this ladybug pupa adhered to a rock, ready to transform into a ladybug! How cool is that?! :) *bounces around*


02 Jun 2011 205

153 items in total