Glowing White Mushroom [Flickr Explore, my 1st]

Explored on Flickr (103!!!)

I may not be on Flickr anymore, but these Explores meant a lot to me!

Shaggy Horkelia: The 116th Flower of Spring & Summ…

19 May 2012 226
What a surprise when I found these flowers! I was walking around the far side of our larger meadow one morning, not expecting to find anything new and I looked down right before I stepped on these! Here's another flower that isn't anything special unless you get close to it, but wow, isn't it a beauty?! Shaggy Horkelia is an uncommon flower found in the Pacific Northwest which grows in open meadows in the late spring. There are about 19 species of this plant, which is in the rose family. They are similar to another plant that grows on our property called Sticky Cinquefoiil , and Horkelias are sometimes classified in the same genus. If you would like to know more about Horkelia, Wiki has a bit of information and a listing of species here: Wiki: Horkelia Explored on August 16, 2012. Highest placement at #142.

Brookings Beach with Flare (Explore #40)

29 Sep 2012 336
Here's a view of one of the beaches we visited, complete with a sun flare! You can see the fog burning off in the distance. When we arrived, the whole area was socked in with fog but quickly melted away within an hour, and the day was simply perfect with very little wind and a wonderful temperature! It was pure heaven, and exactly what I hoped for! :) By the way, I've uploaded 2 other pictures today and I hope you'll visit them too! Thanks to all of you who have visited and have left comments and favorites! I try to go to all of your pages within a day or two and is a highlight for me to see your beautiful photography! :) Explored on October 8, 2012, highest position #286.

Best Friends (1 more picture below!) (Explore #41)

29 Sep 2012 2 277
This picture is worth a thousand words. Steve and Molly are in love and it's a joy to see their relationship. Molly is our Border Collie rescue, and as you can see, she only has three legs. That doesn't stop her though and she gets around just fine. She loves the water, so Steve made a wish come true by taking her for a walk on the beach when we went to Brookings, Oregon. It was such a wonderful thing to see them so happy together! :) (If you would like to read about Molly's story, here's a link to another picture and more information. ) By the way, I've uploaded 2 other pictures today and I hope you'll visit them too! Thanks to all of you who have visited and have left comments and favorites! I try to go to all of your pages within a day or two and is a highlight for me to see your beautiful photography! :) Explored on October 9, 2012, highest position #247.

Cabbage White Butterfly on a Jacksonville Plant (E…

11 Sep 2012 2 2 344
Steve and I went to the historic town of Jacksonville, Oregon a few weeks ago, and as we were walking around, I saw this butterfly flitting about. I followed it slowly all over a row of flowers until it finally stopped on a leaf to rest and I was able to creep in and get some pictures! This lovely butterfly is found over most of the world, where it causes damage to cabbage and mustard family crops. If you would like to know more about this pretty but damaging butterfly, Wiki has a very good page here: Wiki: Cabbage White Butterfly (Pieris rapae) Thanks so much for your visits, comments and favorites! I won't be able to comment much for the next week while I'm busy with my current project, but I am trying to visit a few pages when I can during breaks! Thanks for your patience! :) Explored on October 12, 2012, highest position #214.

French Marigold (Explore #44)

11 Sep 2012 1 269
Here's another picture taken at Jacsksonville a few weeks back. This one sat in a flower box under a shop window! I think this is a French Marigold. There are literally hundreds of species of these beautiful flowers and they can vary drastically in appearance. Marigolds are wonderful for attracting butterflies to your garden. They are also used in companion planting with a variety of vegetables. Perfumes are made with its scent and there are medicinal uses as well! If you would like to know more about this flower, Wiki has a page here: Wiki: French Marigold Thank you for your comments, favorites, friendship and PATIENCE while I'm so busy with my work! I can't comment very much at this time but I should have more time in a bit less than a week! Explored on October 13, 2012, highest position #240.

Beautiful Oregon Coastline (Explore #45)

29 Sep 2012 277
At the edge of one beach we visted near Brookings, Oregon, we found that we could climb over rocks and continue further. There were so many pretty ocean views along the way, including this one! What a lovely day! Thank you for your comments, favorites and friendship! I apologize for not being able to comment for the most part until I'm done with my current project, but it will be done in about 5 days now! :) I look forward to visiting all of your photostreams and miss you all! Explored on October 14th, 2012, highest position #204.

Glowing Swamp Onions (Explore #46)

20 Apr 2012 225
My Flowers of Spring & Summer project took time to evolve and at first These days I put extra views below my favorite image, but originally I saved extra views to post at a later date. There are about 25 pictures that I would love to share as time permits! Explored on October 15, 2012, highest position #143.

Driftwood Log and Boulders on the Beach (Explore #…

29 Sep 2012 3 277
The first beach picture I posted for Brookings, Oregon showed a very different view of this log! Isn't it fun to find interesting angles for a cool subject?! It was a perfect day to relax and soak up the sun, breathe in the fresh sea breeze, smell the salty air, and be revitalized by this magical place! We specifically planned our visit so we could spend hours enjoying the beaches we visited, and it was glorious!! :) By the way, I've uploaded two other pictures today and I hope you'll visit them too! Thanks to all of you who have visited and have left comments and favorites! I try to go to all of your pages within a day or two and is a highlight for me to see your beautiful photography! :) Explored on October 16, 2012. Highest position: #51.

Foggy Beach and Lurking Waves at Brookings, Oregon…

29 Sep 2012 1 375
I got a picture of the fog rolling in from the ocean and thought this image was a good choice for black & white! It conveys the moodiness of the fog and just a bit of sinister...the waves here sometimes sneak up on you and I was careful to pay attention at all times. A person unlucky enough to be knocked down and dragged back into the water could easily be sucked below and held by undertow currents, which is a posted danger at all the beaches we went to. I have lived along the Pacific coast for most of my life and am very respectful of the dangerous currents lurking just off the beaches which take many lives every year. (If you'd like to see what happens if a wave catches you, take a look at this series of images taken by my very lucky friend, Donald Tedrow and read the description of each of the 5 pictures...truly chilling!!! Donald Tedrow: The Wave ) Explored on October 17, 2012. Highest placement: #331.

Elegant Cluster-lily: The 143rd Flower of Spring &…

12 Jun 2012 1 244
I am in love with this beautiful lily, and this year there were more flowers than I've ever seen before! I took dozens of pictures over the few weeks they were in bloom and I hope you enjoy the series below! Also known as Harvest Brodiaea and Elegant Brodiaea, this stunning flower grows in meadows and forests of northern California and Oregon. There are several dozen Brodiaea species and we are are home to at least 4 species! If you would like more information about these flowers, Wiki has a small page here: Wiki: Elegant Cluster-lily (Brodiaea elegans) By the way, I've uploaded two other pictures today and I hope you'll visit them too! Thanks to all of you who have visited and have left comments and favorites! I try to go to all of your pages within a day or two and is a highlight for me to see your beautiful photography! :) Explored on October 17, 2012. Highest placement: #320.

Downy Pincushion: The 144th Flower of Spring & Sum…

03 Jun 2012 3 315
When our seasonal pond begins to dry up, lovely flowers pop up from the rich clay there. Last year I discovered a beautiful little flower atop a plant covered with spiky leaves...this year I was waiting in anticipation for the show to commence! What I didn't realize is that there are several species of this flower that grow all in the same place! Jackpot! This blue species is amazing and I loved taking pictures to show off its stunning characteristics. Downy Pincushions are well-named, as their leaves all end in sharp spines! These tiny plants grow low to the ground in a round shape, producing beautiful, prickly bouquets of gorgeous 1/4" blue flowers topped by sparkling white stamens. They are native to southern Oregon and northern California and grow in dry, open habitats. If you would like to know more about this flower, Wiki has a page here: Wiki: Downy Pincushion Plant (Navarretia pubescens) (You'll laugh when you see the picture provided...they really shouldn't have bothered!) General species listing Wiki: Navarretia Explored on October 18, 2012. Highest placement: #63.

The Amazing California Mountain Kingsnake! (Explor…

17 Oct 2012 3 347
Look what I found yesterday!! I went for an autumn photo walk along our ridgeline with hopes of finding some new mushrooms. As I walked, I peeked under logs and peered into stumps. I came to the log which once had a scorpion under it, and to my utter amazement I found this magnificent hatchling California Mountain Kingsnake curled into a compact ball! So exciting, a dream come true!! I simply LOVE snakes, and this particular species is one that I have long admired in pictures and vivariums (reptile store) but never imagined I would actually see in the wild! Given the fact that the sun was down and it was getting dark, I had to set my ISO to 1250 and my aperture to 3.5, and though most of my pictures were blurry, I did get a few nice ones! The lovely, gentle California Mountain Kingsnake is native to California but can be found in Oregon and southern Washington as well. I was surprised to find that they're not uncommon, but are secretive, which is probably why I've only seen garter snakes for the most part. There are 7 subspecies, but I'm not sure which this is. Hatchlings are 6"-7" in size and adults can grow to be as large as 4' in length with a lifespan of up to 15 years. They eat lizards, rodents, birds and eggs. If you would like more information about this stunning snake, Wiki has a page here: Wiki: California Mountain Kingsnake By the way, I've uploaded two other pictures today and I hope you'll visit them too! Explored on Flickr on October 18, 2012. Highest placement: #220.

Glowing Cosmos: Oh the Light!! (Explore #52)

11 Sep 2012 281
It really is true what professionals say when discussing the art of taking pictures: we are capturing light as it interacts with subjects. I am always amazed at the beauty of light passing through flora, and I found this when Steve and I were in Jacksonville the other week. :) By the way, I've uploaded two other pictures today and I hope you'll visit them too! Thanks to all of you who have visited and have left comments and favorites! I try to go to all of your pages within a day or two and is a highlight for me to see your beautiful photography! :) Explored on October 19, 2012. Highest placement: #60.

Beautiful Baby California Mountain Kingsnake

Beautiful Baby California Mountain Kingsnake

Beautiful Baby California Mountain Kingsnake

Dreamy Dahlia [Explore]

22 Oct 2012 212
Steve and I were in Medford one day and I had my camera. There was a shop that had some flowers outside and I had some fun taking pictures. I think this one turned out pretty well considering the poor lighting and high wind! Explored on December 11, 2012. Highest position #348

Bright and Beautiful Buttercup on a Freezing Cold,…

08 Apr 2012 1 1 273
It's frosty outside, with nature adding a bit of sparkle to the drab scenery outside. I thought it would be perfect to share a picture of a radiant buttercup to put a smile on our faces! :) Thanks to all of you who have visited and have left comments and favorites! I try to go to all of your pages within a day or two and is a highlight for me to see your beautiful photography! :) Explored on December 13, 2012. Highest position #489.

103 items in total