Textured Frosted Buttercup

Textured Images

07 Mar 2013

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Textured Frosted Buttercup

07 Mar 2013

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370 visits

Textured Frosted Buttercup Without Texture

21 Jan 2013

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"The past becomes a texture, an ambience to our present." ~ Paul Scott

One of my Flickr friends, Stephanie Calhoun who is also part of the 365, has a specialty which is adding textures to many of her images. They are simply amazing to see, so beautiful and perfect, and they are so inspiring that I wanted to try this too! I'm on the fence about my opinion but tired of trying new textures out...what do you think? Anyway, it's a start! Thanks to Kirsten Frank Art for the texture, and to Stephanie Calhoun for giving me the inspiration to try this for myself! Paul Mark Scott (25 March 1920 - 1 March 1978) was a British novelist, playwright, and poet, best known for his monumental tetralogy the Raj Quartet. His novel Staying On won the Booker Prize for 1977. Wikipedia: Paul Scott

11 Feb 2013

537 visits

Happy Valentine's Day!

I was originally planning to make this my 365 picture by adding a heart border that I photographed today, but Pumpkin was the perfect choice, so this is my alternate! This is a Valentine's balloon that I saw in Celebrity Pets, and I knew it would look nice with an added texture. What fun! :) Texture by Jill Black , thank you so much! Thanks to Stephanie Calhoun for being an endless inspiration for adding texture to some of my pictures!!

19 Feb 2013

363 visits

Textured Pewee

I took some pictures of the birds at our feeder today because I was busy with a project and couldn't get outside. This is a Pewee, and he's got a sunflower seed held down between his feet. You should see these guys hammer away at them to get the good stuff out! I didn't really like the feeder behind him so I turned this into a textured image. I hope you like it! :) Thanks to Brenda Starr for the texture!

23 Aug 2012

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501 visits

Luscious Canna Lily, Dedicated to Kat & Rakhi :)

Dedicated to my Flickr friends Kat , who is recovering from cancer surgery and is in my thoughts all day long; and to Rakhi , for sparking my memory to this picture I had in my archives! Yesterday I was visiting the Flickrstream of one of my friends, Rakhi Rawat and admired a lovely picture of a ravishing red Canna Lily she'd taken. She reminded me that I'd taken some pictures of a gorgeous Canna Lily at a garden shop some months back but I never did anything with them. I dug around in my archives and found them...and then I discovered why I didn't do anything with them. The background was just horrible. I guess somehow I knew that if enough time passed, I would meet Stephanie Calhoun and be inspired to learn how to work with textures well enough that I could use this picture after all! I am so happy that I can share this flower with all of you, it's almost unreal in its beauty!! Thanks to the following for their wonderful textures which I used in the creation of this piece! (The link will take you to each of the textures I used) Brenda Starr , Photo Nate , Belle Vue , and Cornelia Kopp

05 Mar 2013

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289 visits

Textured Buttercup

I really liked the interesting petals on this blossom and thought it would be a very nice textured image as well! Below is the original picture (cropped) so you can see how different a texture can make your subject appear! Texture by Nasos3

22 Feb 2013

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Textured Crocus, Dedicated to Kat & Stephanie

Dedicated to my 365 pals, Kat , who's recovering from cancer surgery and is in my thoughts every day, and to Stephanie Calhoun , whose amazing textured images inspired me to try this for myself! You two are awesome!! :D This is another crocus image I took, and this time I had fun playing with it! My desire was to get some separation from the other crocuses crowding around it, and immediately I knew that this would look nice as a textured image! If you haven't tried this yet, please do, it's such fun! Thanks to Sienna62 for the texture! Explored on March 6, 2013. Highest position: #389.

13 Feb 2013

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Dreamy Textured Grass with Double Droplet

I took this picture in February and had fun adding a subtle texture with a frame. I think it has a dreamy quality to it! :)
24 items in total