The Great Salt Lake

UT - Antelope Island

Folder: Utah
Antelope Island, Great Salt Lake (mostly). This is a large island in the southeastern part of the Great Salt Lake, which is connected to the mainland by an automobile causeway, and which is now entirely a state park. (At low water levels the island is connected to the mainland at the southeast by mud flats.) At the end of the paved road, on the east side about midway down the island, there is a…  (read more)

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25 Aug 2016

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816 visits

The Great Salt Lake

Utah, USA. Looking northwesterly from Buffalo Point on Antelope Island, Antelope Island State Park. The Great Salt Lake is the largest lake by area (but _not_ by volume!) in the US west of the Mississippi River, and the largest saline lake in the western hemisphere. Its salinity is variable but ranges as high as 27%--by comparison, mean sea water is about 3.3%. It's far too salty for fish but supports a brine shrimp(!) fishery. It's the vastly shrunken remnant of Pleistocene Lake Bonneville, an enormous freshwater lake that covered much of the eastern Great Basin. Antelope Island is connected to the mainland by an automobile causeway. It's not an "island" at this water level, being connected to the mainland to the south and east by alkali mud flats.

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25 Aug 2016

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Buffalo Bull

Or "bison", if you want to be technically correct. Bison bison , the American bison. This guy was right by the bike trail--so I detoured thru the cheat grass! Antelope Island State Park, Utah. Antelope Island, in the Great Salt Lake, supports a thriving buffalo herd that's managed by the Utah Dept. of Natural Resources.

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25 Aug 2016

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Open (buffalo) range!

Antelope Island State Park, Utah. On the road to the Fielding Garr ranch.

25 Aug 2016

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25 Aug 2016

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25 Aug 2016

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25 Aug 2016

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25 Aug 2016

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