IMG 9751 adj

CA - Horsethief Cyn

Folder: California
A "designated vehicle corridor" (i.e., an open Jeep track) thru the Piper Mountain Wilderness, at the north end of Eureka Valley just north of Death Valley National Park.

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13 May 2015

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375 visits

Designated corridor

An Authorized Vehicle Route thru the wilderness area. Stay on the road! ;) (Which is a jeep track following Horsethief Canyon.) The wilderness area is the Piper Mountain Wilderness, just north of Death Valley National Park, California. The tall treelike plants are Joshua trees, a branching yucca.

13 May 2015

107 visits

IMG 9716 adj

13 May 2015

89 visits

IMG 9717

13 May 2015

111 visits

IMG 9719 adj

13 May 2015

95 visits

IMG 9720

13 May 2015

97 visits

IMG 9721

13 May 2015

89 visits

IMG 9722

13 May 2015

92 visits

IMG 9723 trim

13 May 2015

100 visits

IMG 9724 trim

34 items in total