IMG 9782 adj

CA - Saline Valley

Folder: California
West of Death Valley but now (mostly) also in the national park. Including the road from the turnoff at the Big Pine road all the way south thru Grapevine Canyon. It gives a flavor of the old Death Valley, without the tourists and Park Service infrastructure. On 60+ miles of dirt road I passed one other car (a ranger), and saw two cars parked, at Saline Dunes. Not your usual California experie…  (read more)

IMG 9986

IMG 9988

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IMG 9994

A storm in the desert--

14 May 2015 2 3 595
Intense thunderstorm in Saline Valley, California. The rain is so heavy the water is actually running off the surface--a so-called "sheet flood." You can tell this sort of rainfall is unusual by the vegetation! Looking southwest to the Inyo Mountains.

IMG 9996

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251 items in total