Fallen Leaf Lake

Sierras - Fallen Leaf Lake

Folder: Sierra Nevada, California
Southwest of Lake Tahoe, and separated from it by a low sill. It's the second-largest lake in the Tahoe basin--but it's a very distant second! Still, it's photogenic in its own right.

Glacial pavement, gnarly juniper, Fallen Leaf Lake…

26 Oct 2014 5 5 311
In that order. Off the Mt. Tallac trail. This is another one of those junipers much higher than its usual range. Now that we know what to look for, we see them everywhere, on dry Sierra slopes! The glaciated surface in the foreground contains well-defined striations. The rocks in the immediate foreground are glacial erratics. Looking east; the mountains across Lake Tahoe are in Nevada.








Fallen Leaf Lake

26 Oct 2014 3 2 250
Just southwest of Lake Tahoe, in the Tahoe Basin. Sierra Nevada, California. The skylined mountains to the right of the tree include Freel Peak and Jobs Sister, both nearly 11K feet. The mountain to the left of the tree, toward the edge of the photo, is where the Heavenly Ski Resort is located. Looking east from the Mt. Tallac/Cathedral Lake trail.



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