
Pets - Jill

Folder: Pets
Our red merle with bright blue eyes... Not all pix have been added to this album yet!








19 Jan 2014 2 297
Jill, Cole, and Jack. The one thing they're allowed to eat off the ground! Hiking in the Incandescent Rocks near Reno, Nevada, USA.

Three thirsty Aussies!

22 Feb 2009 180
Jack, Jill & Cole. Herd testing is thirsty work!

Treats focus the mind! ;)

14 Apr 2013 3 10 221
Jill, Jack, and Cole.


04 May 2014 4 7 541
They add a focus! Jack (rear), Jill (middle) and Cole (front).

Yours truly and the gaggle at Moat Lake

20 Aug 2009 244
Cole, Jill, and Jack, hiking in the Sierras.


07 Jun 2015 1 7 611
Li'l Miss Blue Eyes--

Jill, 2005? - 5 Oct 2018

05 Aug 2017 4 4 380
At Washoe Lake. We lost her this last fall. She'd had an attack of old-dog vestibular syndrome December a year ago, and recovered some last spring, but was never back to her old self; and then she started sinking fast in late summer last year. Not only was she pretty, she had a sweet personality--not a mean bone in her body. They estimated she was about 3 when we rescued her in April 2008. The insets are some other photos from her glory years.

664 items in total