
NNev - Metropolis

Folder: Nevada, northern, other
Metropolis is an unusual Nevada ghost town. It was an early 20th-century attempt to grow wheat in the sage lands near Wells, in the northeastern part of the state. It had cratered by the mid 1930s due to low agricultural prices and conflicts over water rights.

With the recent run-up in grain prices, though, it makes you wonder if the idea is worth another look, particularly with modern drought-…  (read more)

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01 Sep 1991

153 visits


Looking out an arch in one of the few recognizable buildings...

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01 Sep 1991

142 visits


Metropolis is another unusual Nevada ghost town. It was an early 20th-century attempt to grow wheat in the sage lands near Wells. It had cratered by the mid 1930s due to low agricultural prices and conflicts over water rights. With the recent run-up in grain prices, though, it makes you wonder if the idea is worth another look, particularly with modern drought-tolerant strains...

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24 Aug 2016

3 favorites


389 visits

Metropolis School

Metropolis is another unusual Nevada ghost town. It was an early 20th-century attempt to grow wheat in the sagebrush lands near Wells, in the northeastern part of the state. The town had largely dried up by the mid 1930s due to low agricultural prices and conflicts over water rights. In particular, a lawsuit from downstream water users in the Humboldt River drainage blocked using irrigation water from a local creek. Pretty much all that now remains is the ruin of the school (seen here) and the hotel (see left insets), with otherwise little evidence of settlement other than some broken artifacts (right inset). The gray-green shrub is sagebrush ( Artemisia spp., probably A. tridentata ). It has come back in a big way! Before Metropolis's final demise, the settlers had instead tried to grow dry-land wheat, with no success. With the recent run-up in grain prices, though, it makes you wonder if the idea is worth another look, particularly with modern drought-tolerant strains...

24 Aug 2016

54 visits

IMG 8945

24 Aug 2016

46 visits

IMG 8947

24 Aug 2016

44 visits

IMG 8950

24 Aug 2016

45 visits

IMG 8963

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24 Aug 2016

1 favorite

163 visits

Metropolis hotel.

Northeastern Nevada. See the enclosing photo for a description of Metropolis.

24 Aug 2016

30 visits

IMG 8936

13 items in total