Stokes Castle

Culture - Historical markers

Folder: Culture & Technology

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07 Jul 2009

113 visits

Stokes Castle

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07 Jul 2009

247 visits

Stokes Castle, Austin, Nevada

The sign reads: "Started in the fall of 1896 and completed in June, 1897, by Anson Phelps Stokes, mine developer, railroad magnate and member of a prominent eastern family, as a summer home for his sons, principally J.G. Phelps. After the castle (or the tower, as the Stokes family always referred to it) was completed, it was used by the family for one brief period in June and July, 1897. Since then, with one possible exception, the structure has remained unoccupied. Stokes Castle is made of native granite, hewn and put in place by the ancestors of people still living in Austin. The huge stones were raised with a hand winch and held in position by rock wedging and clay mortar. The architectural model for the castle was a medieval tower Anson Stokes had seen and admired on an Italian campagna, near Rome. It originally had three floors, each with a fireplace, plate glass view windows, balconies on the second and third floors, and a battlemented terrace on the roof. It had plumbing very adequate for the times and was sumptuously furnished. The structure stands as an abiding monument to the local men who built it and to those who helped develop the mines of Austin. " I suspect that Mrs. Stokes may have been less than thrilled with the location...

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05 Aug 2009

171 visits

Manhattan historical marker

Manhattan, like Tonopah and Austin, isn't quite dead yet. It supports a couple of bars and a modern motel, as well as a number of houses. You have to drive to Round Mountain for gas, though! With Au >$1400/oz, activity is also picking up again. Hence the new motel.

06 Aug 2009

114 visits


30 Oct 2009

82 visits


17 Jan 2010

104 visits


13 Oct 2010

108 visits


13 Oct 2010

112 visits


13 Oct 2010

116 visits


31 items in total