
Utah - Notch Peak & House Range

Folder: Utah
High point (9654 ft/2943 m) of the House Range in the Basin and Range of western Utah. This is not the sort of country that evokes "Utah" for most people, but it's a major part of the state! Marjum Pass is in a separate album.

Limestone cliffs

05 Aug 2018 182
Swasey Limestone (Middle Cambrian), House Range, western Utah. Looking northwest over Tule Valley. The views are hazy due to smoke from the California wildfires several hundred miles west!

Limestone cliffs

05 Aug 2018 3 4 471
Just west of Swasey Peak in the House Range, western Utah. The prominent cliff at the right is formed by the Swasey Limestone; the lower one left of center is the lower part of the Dome Limestone. All the units are Middle Cambrian in age. We're in the so-called Cordilleran Miogeosyncline here, a thick sequence of sedimentary rocks now interpreted to be the continental margin at that time, ca. 500 million years ago. The views should be _lots_ clearer--it's murky due to smoke from the California wildfires several hundred miles west! The Inset shows a slightly different view.

IMG 4147

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Wild Horse Canyon

115 items in total