20210922 110346 001


A trailhead on the very crest of the Toiyabe Range, about 10K feet--but the road getting there is one of those nerve-wracking shelf roads! But we made it. The haze is smoke from the California wildfires!

22 Sep 2021

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26 visits

20210922 110346 001

22 Sep 2021

30 visits

20210922 110401 001

22 Sep 2021

31 visits

20210922 110437 001

22 Sep 2021

30 visits

20210922 110537 001

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22 Sep 2021

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35 visits


On the Toiyabe Crest Trail, looking east into Big Smoky Valley (especially appropriate today--the haze is from the wildfires in California!) The shadows are all wrong, but the sign says "Crest" with an arrow.

22 Sep 2021

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40 visits

20210922 112150 001

22 Sep 2021

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38 visits

20210922 120731 001

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22 Sep 2021

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36 visits

20210922 121721 001

22 Sep 2021

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47 visits

20210922 123117 001

26 items in total