Wallowa Lake

Wallowa Mountains, OR

Folder: Oregon
The "Oregon Alps", a little known glaciated range in NE Oregon. Much of it is preserved in the Eagle Cap Wilderness, which is one of the oldest in the US, dating back to the Eagle Lake Primitive Area in the 1930s. The area also hosts the Wallowa Tram, claimed to be the steepest in North America. BTW, it's "wuhl-OW-uh", OW as in "cow."

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26 Aug 2019

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582 visits

Wallowa Lake

From the boat ramp (visible to right) at the north end of the lake. The triangular mountain in the middle is actually the cross-sectional profile of the ridge separating the East (to the left) and West Forks of the Wallowa River. Mt. Howard, the location of the tramway, is on the left. Wallowa Lake is a glacial lake, about 300 ft (90 m) deep in the middle, whose level has been raised slightly by a small outlet dam for water storage, as is common throughout the American west. A prominent lateral moraine extends along the east side of the lake. Its upstream end is visible at the extreme left; the inset shows a more extensive view. Again, it's "wuhl-OW-uh," "OW" as in "town."

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26 Aug 2019


139 visits


Lateral moraine along the east side of Wallowa Lake. Mt. Howard in the distance on the right.

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26 Aug 2019

62 visits

Wallowa Lake

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26 Aug 2019

70 visits

20190826 193814 001

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27 Aug 2019

66 visits

20190827 111549 001

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27 Aug 2019

73 visits

20190827 112536 001

27 Aug 2019

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137 visits

California ground squirrel

Otospermophilus beecheyi , based on the white-spotted buff-gray coat. Hanging around the upper tram station on Mt. Howard, Wallowa Mountains, Oregon. Obviously his handout-getting technique has been working... ;)

27 Aug 2019

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129 visits

California ground squirrel

Otospermophilus beecheyi , based on the white-spotted buff-gray coat. Hanging around the upper tram station on Mt. Howard, Wallowa Mountains, Oregon. Obviously his handout-getting technique has been working... ;)

27 Aug 2019

71 visits

IMG 9046

25 items in total