Wild turkeys

Angel Lake and the East Humboldt Mountains (8-2021).

Folder: Atlas Obscura
The East Humboldt Mountains, separated from the Ruby Mountains to the south by Secret Pass, are for all intents and purposes the northern extension of the Rubies. They have the same granite and metamorphic bedrock, the same glaciated terrain with peaks reaching over 11,000 ft, and the same abundance of streams, alpine lakes and meadows, so unlike most Nevada ranges.
And, uniquely, one of those alp…  (read more)

Wild turkeys

12 Aug 2021 5 6 197
In the campground at Rye Patch Reservoir State Park, Nevada. A flock was wandering around the campsites, paying no attention to people. Native to North America, turkeys have become re-established in much of their original range over the last decades.

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