20201104 091514 001

11-04-20(Tamarack Lk_Mt_Houghton)

Folder: unsorted2

20201104 091514 001

Tamarack Lake, Nevada

04 Nov 2020 4 5 95
One of many "Tamarack Lakes" throughout the American west--there are even a couple in California in my collection! Properly "tamarack" is a North American larch ( Larix laricina ) found in the northern forests, mostly in Canada. However, the name has also been applied to the lodgepole fine ( Pinus contorta ), which _does_ occur widely in the higher elevations, and so presumably these "Tamarack" lakes should be "Lodgepole" lakes! This Tamarack Lake is just off Nevada SR 431, the Mt. Rose Highway, at an elevation of 8812 ft/2686 m, but is invisible from the highway due to screening by the trees! It's worth the short hike in, however. The inset shows a twilight view, on the hike back.

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