IMG 5899


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Southern Oregon

02 Jul 2017

46 visits

IMG 5899

02 Jul 2017

29 visits

IMG 5904

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02 Jul 2017


545 visits

Dead Horse Lake

Not a name chosen by a realtor! A natural cirque lake in the Gearhart Mtns of south-central Oregon. Apparently there are fish in it, because there were lots of fishermen around! It also has a campground, which was full due to the July 4 holiday weekend. The inset shows a view looking left, with some of the campers visible.

02 Jul 2017

4 favorites


257 visits

IMG 5910

02 Jul 2017

23 visits

IMG 5922

02 Jul 2017

356 visits

Summer Lake from Winter Ridge

Near Fremont Point, Oregon. For the naming of Winter Ridge see the enclosing photo.

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02 Jul 2017

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725 visits

Winter Ridge (or Rim)

Looking pretty much south from Fremont Point, Oregon. Summer Lake lies in the basin to the left; Oregon State Route 31 runs along the right (west) side of the lake, between it and Winter Ridge. Winter Ridge (a.k.a. Winter Rim) is said to have gotten its name from the John C. Fremont expedition when they arrived here in December, 1843--in 3 feet of snow! They also named Summer Lake because of the contrast. The burned trees date from a fire in 2002. My wife took this with her iPhone--the inset is a pic almost from the same place on my Galaxy S7 Android phone. Maybe I'll just give up on the SLR! ;)