Jacquie, Deborah, Andrea 1987

Church Street, Bristol, VT

  • Jacquie, Deborah, Andrea 1987
  • Gabriel's Birth
  • Halloween, 1987 "Farmer Gabriel" and His Dad.
  • Farmer Gabriel, 1987
  • All Set For Trick or Treating, 1988
  • Gabriel's 24 Hour Tow Truck
  • Gabriel, 1989
  • A Solemn Little Ghost
  • Colin the ...Robot? Spaceman?
  • Kitties Anneka and Sarah
  • Anneka and Sarah Kitties
  • Rylan the Farmer
  • Colin the Tow Truck
  • Lizzie The (Startled) Little Old Peasant Woman
  • Amelia - Baby Clown
  • Colin the Cloud
  • Andrea and Nevan
  • Ersatz Lomo...
  • Gabriel - One Year Old
  • Gabriel - 3 Months Old
  • Colin - Kitchen - Church Street
  • Colin - the Osh-Kosh Years
  • Colin - Morning Glories
  • Colin - Bedtime
  • Colin - Early Morning - 6 years Old
  • Flannel Shirt Son #1
  • Gabriel and Morning Glories
  • Gabriel - May 20, 1986
  • Colin - Easter 1986
  • The Puzzle and Wonder of a Colored Egg
  • Gabriel - Easter 1992
  • Owen, Easter Egg Hunt 1992
  • Owen - Easter Egg Hunt 1992
  • .
  • "Midwives Do It At Home"...
  • Gabriel at One Week
  • Gabe at One Week
  • Gabriel - Mid-Flail
  • Gabriel and Andrea
  • A Doting "Auntie"
  • The Home Birth Queens
  • Pumpkin Guts
  • Wild Chimney Sweep
  • Under the Umbrella
  • Gabriel's Birth - Getting There
  • Gabriel's Birth - Almost Ready For the Final Work
  • Gabriel's First Bath
  • A Few Baby Graduates
  • Birth Class Reunion, 1986
  • The Maestro #2
  • The Maestro #1
  • Yard Work, 1988
  • Yard Work, 1988
  • Happy Birthday, Colin!