Is this my best side

Birds & Fish

Folder: images on Explore

18 Jun 2015

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454 visits

White Cheeked Turaco

Fly freely in the Butterfly hot house & very friendly !! The white-cheeked turaco is a species of bird in the family Musophagidae. It is found in Eritrea, Ethiopia, and South Sudan. A mid-sized species, it measures about 43 cm in length, including a tail of 19 cm, and weighs about 200–315 g

30 Mar 2017

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412 visits

Eye Level !!

Female Mallard Duck

01 Apr 2017

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418 visits

Magpie !!

This Magpie has been visiting my Daughters garden for the last 3years, we wondered if it would survive long with hardly any beak ..... last Autumn was the last time seen, then much to my Daughters surprise & delight a couple of weeks ago it turned up..... I just happed to be there with my camera & got some shots. !! Second photo in notes !!

19 Oct 2011

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384 visits

Carrion Crow

Best on Black

08 Jun 2017

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366 visits

Like a Car Mascot !!

Thank you all in advance for your comments & always appreciated .... will get to you soon only life gets in the way at times, just don't know where the time goes !!

06 May 2017

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419 visits

"Rheas "

"Rheas".....Originated from South America related to the Ostrich & Emu, they are flightless birds. Many thanks for your comments in advance they are as always much appreciated, sorry if I'm late commenting on yours, but I have a Family crisis at the moment, but will get to you in time if a little late ...

28 Aug 2017

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543 visits

Rainbow Lorikeet

Rainbow Lorikeet Trichoglossus haematodus Psittacidae Rainbow Lorikeets are widespread in eastern and northern Australia, and also around Perth. Separated from their natural range by thousands of kilometres, the feral Rainbow Lorikeets of Perth had become established by the late 1960s. In the 1980s, the population expanded. The problem with Rainbow Lorikeets in Perth is that they are aggressive around nesting hollows, preventing native birds from nesting. They have even been recorded dragging the nestlings of Australian Ringnecks from hollows and dropping them onto the ground, then occupying the hollow themselves. Description The Rainbow Lorikeet is unmistakable with its bright red beak and colourful plumage. Both sexes look alike, with a blue (mauve) head and belly, green wings, tail and back, and an orange/yellow breast. They are often seen in loud and fast-moving flocks, or in communal roosts at dusk. Similar Species Rainbow Lorikeets are such colourful parrots that it is hard to mistake them for other species. The related Scaly-breasted Lorikeet is similar in size and shape, but can be distinguished by its all-green head and body.

13 Aug 2017

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544 visits

Hello ....♥♥♥.....

Baby Wood Pigeon posing then he had enough !!!! No More I'm off !!!!

04 Dec 2017

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729 visits

Blue Tit

30 items in total