Michiel 2005's videos


1967 Leyland-Verheul LVB

1967 Leyland-Verheul LVB

1972 DAF MB200 DKDL600 & 1967 Leyland-Verheul LVB

1972 DAF MB200 DKDL600 & 1967 Leyland-Verheul LVB


PCC Tourist Tram

IMG 3501

Haags Openbaar Vervoer Museum 2024 – PCC 1304 reve…

14 Aug 2024 8
For reversing purposes the The Hague PCC has a auxiliary controller behind the rear seat. This was rare during normal operation, as the termini all had loops.

The Hague 2024 – Haags Openbaar Vervoer Museum – L…

11 Aug 2024 6
This was the tram of my youth, although a new tram appeared in 1981 and slowly took over.

Siena 2024 – Bells of Duomo

01 Mar 2024 1 23
The Duomo was built between 1196 and 1348 and it was built on a spot of an earlier church.

Montepulciano 2024 – High Noon in Montepulciano

Todi 2024 – Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it to…

28 Feb 2024 1 24
Todi has a history going back to the 8th century BC. Originally it was an Etruscan city, but it became Romanised from the 3rd century BC.

Perugia 2024 – Popular music

Pesaro 2024 – Church bells and antique market

Pumping extra water

05 Nov 2023 24
Too much rain.

Berlin 2023 – On the Wolterdorf tram

Berlin 2023 – On the Wolterdorf tram

92 videos in total