Aumühle 2015 – Hotel room in hotel Waldesruh Am See

Aumühle / Friedrichsruh 2015

A short visit to Aumühle and Friedrichsruh, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.

27 Sep 2015

450 visits

Friedrichsruh 2015 – Bismarck-Museum – Revolver with which Bismarck was shot

The student from the university of Tübingen Ferdinand Cohen-Blind shot Bismarck on May 7, 1866, in protest about the Austro-Prussian war. Bismarck was only slightly injured. Cohen-Blind committed suicide in prison on the same day.

27 Sep 2015

396 visits

Friedrichsruh 2015 – Bismarck-Museum – Gun from the Franco-Prussian War

27 Sep 2015

236 visits

Friedrichsruh 2015 – Bismarck-Museum – Fan signed by the participants of the Congress of Berlin

The Congress of Berlin was held in 1878 to discuss the tensions on the Balkan. The resulting Treaty of Berlin did establish peace for a short time, but the tensions remained. The Balkan wars of the 1990s were the most-recent flare-up.

27 Sep 2015

485 visits

Friedrichsruh 2015 – Bismarck-Museum – Office of the Reichskanzler

At the end of the Second World War the house of Bismarck in Friedrichsruh was bombed. Not everything was destroyed though, the furniture of his office could be rescued.

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27 Sep 2015

209 visits

Friedrichsruh 2015 – Otto-von-Bismarck Stiftung – Ludwig Sand in prison

Ludwig Sand murdered the conservative playwright August von Kotzebue in 1818. Von Kotzebue was against liberalism and German nationalism. He mocked the German student associations. The radical student Ludwig Sand found it necessary to murder Von Kotzebue. Before murdering the playwright, he took part in the Wartburg Festival, during which books were burnt which were not to the liking of the students. Prison life was not so bad for Sand, but he was executed for murder nevertheless. He was venerated as a hero by German nationalists and students. His grave can still be found in Mannheim. After the murder, the Austrian Chancellor Von Metternich called a meeting of the German states and it resulted in the Carlsbad Decrees, which increased censorship of the press, removed liberal professors and banned nationalist fraternities.

27 Sep 2015

260 visits

Friedrichsruh 2015 – Otto-von-Bismarck Stiftung – Golden quill with which Bismarck signed the 1871 Treaty of Versailles

The treaty ended the Franco-German war of 1870–1871.

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27 Sep 2015

262 visits

Friedrichsruh 2015 – Otto-von-Bismarck Stiftung – Medicine box of Otto von Bismarck

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27 Sep 2015

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258 visits

Friedrichsruh 2015 – Bismarck-Mausoleum – Entrance

The Bismarck Mausoleum is the last resting place of Otto von Bismarck and his wife Johanna von Puttkamer. The building was completed in 1899. On his sarcophagus it says ”Ein treuer deutscher Diener Kaiser Wilhelm I” (a faithful German servant of Emperor Wilhelm I)

27 Sep 2015

203 visits

Friedrichsruh 2015 – Bismarck-Mausoleum

The Bismarck Mausoleum is the last resting place of Otto von Bismarck and his wife Johanna von Puttkamer. The building was completed in 1899. On his sarcophagus it says ”Ein treuer deutscher Diener Kaiser Wilhelm I” (a faithful German servant of Emperor Wilhelm I)
36 items in total