Lutherstadt Wittenberg 2015 – Thesentür

Lutherstadt Wittenberg 2015

Wittenberg is officially known as Lutherstadt Wittenberg. It is a city in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, made famous by Marten Luther, who started the Reformation here.

16 Jun 2015

129 visits

Lutherstadt Wittenberg 2015 – Thesentür

It is unclear whether Luther really did nail his Ninety-Five Theses on the door of the Wittenberg church. What is clear is that the door from the time of Luther is gone, burnt down in the 19th century. This door, with the Ninety-Five Theses engraved, dates from 1857.

16 Jun 2015

111 visits

Lutherstadt Wittenberg 2015 – Judensau

Antisemitic propaganda from 1305 AD. More info here:

16 Jun 2015

131 visits

Lutherstadt Wittenberg 2015 – Rathaus

16 Jun 2015

134 visits

Lutherstadt Wittenberg 2015 – Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott

View on map

16 Jun 2015

169 visits

Lutherstadt Wittenberg 2015 – Ur-Krostitzer