Schoonhoven 2015 – Old Weigh House

Schoonhoven 2015

Schoonhoven is first mentioned in 1247 AD. It is a fortified city on the banks of the River Lek in the Netherlands.

01 Mar 2015

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187 visits

Schoonhoven 2015 – Old Weigh House

01 Mar 2015

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224 visits

Schoonhoven 2015 – Former Orphanage of the Reformed Church

01 Mar 2015

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250 visits

Schoonhoven 2015 – Stadskorenpakhuis

City Corn Storehouse. Built in 1566 after the strong winter of 1564 caused shortages.

01 Mar 2015

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232 visits

Schoonhoven 2015 – Gable stone of the Stadskorenpakhuis

The text reads: „Doer ’t uutvriesen des coorns voerleden waer uut volchde duertyt ben ick ghebout tot stads coorn behout ter gemeente profyt” Because of the freezing of the corn in the past which caused a difficult time I was built for the keeping of the city’s corn for the benefit of the community

01 Mar 2015

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255 visits

Schoonhoven 2015 – Koestraat

Cow Street

01 Mar 2015

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226 visits

Schoonhoven 2015 – Carillon of the City Hall

01 Mar 2015

186 visits

Schoonhoven 2015 – Haven

The main canal through Schoonhoven is called Haven (Harbour).

01 Mar 2015

228 visits

Schoonhoven 2015 – Old and new do-not-enter sign

The old one was designed in 1925 and it was replaced in 1995.

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01 Mar 2015

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191 visits

Schoonhoven 2015 – Veerpoort

Ferry Gate
24 items in total