Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde 2014 – Bhairava

Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde 2014

The Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde is the Dutch national museum of ethnology. It was established in 1837.

Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde 2014 – Bhairava

23 Nov 2014 357
Bhairava is a frightening form of Shiva, the Hindu god. Origin of the statue is Singosari, Java, Indonesia, 13th century. The Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde is the Dutch national museum of ethnology. It was established in 1837.

Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde 2014 – Ganesha

23 Nov 2014 4 608
Ganesha is Shiva’s son, a very popular god in Hinduism. Origin of the statue is Singosari, Java, Indonesia, 13th century. The Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde is the Dutch national museum of ethnology. It was established in 1837.

Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde 2014 – Durga

23 Nov 2014 256
Durga is a manifestation of Parvati, Shiva’s consort. Durga protects mankind on earth and battles against the demons. Here she is portrayed fighting against Mahisha, a demon. Origin of the statue is Singosari, Java, Indonesia, 13th century. The Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde is the Dutch national museum of ethnology. It was established in 1837.

Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde 2014 – Doorkeeper Nandishv…

23 Nov 2014 494
One of the two doorkeepers of the temple dedicated to Shiva.

Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde 2014 – Doorkeeper Mahakala

23 Nov 2014 413
He guards the entrance of the temple dedicated to Shiva.

Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde 2014 – Doorkeeper Mahakala

23 Nov 2014 311
He guards the entrance of the temple dedicated to Shiva.

Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde 2014 – Bhairava

23 Nov 2014 2 773
Bhairava is a frightening form of Shiva, the Hindu god. Origin of the statue is Singosari, Java, Indonesia, 13th century. The Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde is the Dutch national museum of ethnology. It was established in 1837.

Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde 2014 – Vishnu riding on th…

23 Nov 2014 333
From Indonesia.

Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde 2014 – Mask

23 Nov 2014 1 265
From Indonesia.

Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde 2014 – Wayang puppet

23 Nov 2014 2 411
From Indonesia. See wikipedia for more info about Wayang .

Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde 2014 – Tavu

23 Nov 2014 263
A tavu was a family altar. It ”housed” the ancestors. From Yamdena, on the Tanimbar Islands in Indonesia.

Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde 2014 – Ancestor statue Wer…

23 Nov 2014 350
From the Kai islands in Indonesia.

Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde 2014 – Geisha exhibition

Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde 2014 – Dainichi Nyorai

23 Nov 2014 1 447
“This is the Celestial Great Solar Buddha in the centre of the world of all beings. He has his hands in the so-called ratna mudra, symbolising the Jewel. From the inscription on his back, we know that the statue was cast and consecrated in 1648.” From the sign in the museum.

Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde 2014 – Ichiji Kinrin

23 Nov 2014 320
“The Cosmic Buddha of the Golden Wheel, an apparition of the Dainishi Nyerai, the Celestial Great Solar Buddha, as the primordial Dainichi of the Adamantine World Matrix. He personifies the supreme virtue located in the crown on his head. He has the hands folded in meditation, the dhyana mudra. From the inscription on his back, we know that the statue was cast and consecrated in 1648.” From the sign in the museum.

Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde 2014 – Yakushi Nyorai

23 Nov 2014 405
“This is the Healing Buddha. He guards the well-being of the people and protects them against diseases and danger. In his hands he holds a medicine pot, symbolising his curing powers. He has the hands folded in meditation, the dhyana mudra. Yakushi Nyorai is not regarded as belonging to the highest ranking Buddha’s. From the inscription on his back, we know that the statue was cast and consecrated in 1648.” From the sign in the museum.

Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde 2014 – Amida Nyorai

23 Nov 2014 1 335
“This is the Celestial Buddha of the West, the Buddha of Infinite Light, of the setting sun and of afterlife. He resides in the Western Pure Land, not so much a real place but rather a state of mind in which we are reborn, freed from the suffering in this world. He has the hands folded in meditation, the dhyane mudra. From the inscription on the base, we know that the statue was consecrated on the 15th day of the 6th month of Shōtoku 6, 1716.” From the sign in the museum.

Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde 2014 – Ganesha

23 Nov 2014 2 268
Ganesha is Shiva’s son, a very popular god in Hinduism. Origin Mount Semeru, East Java, Indonesia, 13th century. The Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde is the Dutch national museum of ethnology. It was established in 1837.

51 items in total