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Serious Request/Glazen Huis in Leiden 2011

Folder: Leiden, the Netherlands
More info:

Serious Request/Glazen Huis – Climbers

24 Dec 2011 89
Serious Request/Glazen Huis is a charity event. Three DJs of the 3FM radio channel are locked in a glass house for a week without food. They take to the air in shifts, trying to collect money for charity. The Glass House is in Leiden this year. More info:

Serious Request/Glazen Huis – €8,621,004 collected

24 Dec 2011 63
Serious Request/Glazen Huis is a charity event. Three DJs of the 3FM radio channel are locked in a glass house for a week without food. They take to the air in shifts, trying to collect money for charity. The Glass House is in Leiden this year. More info:

Serious Request/Glazen Huis – Climbers

24 Dec 2011 69
Serious Request/Glazen Huis is a charity event. Three DJs of the 3FM radio channel are locked in a glass house for a week without food. They take to the air in shifts, trying to collect money for charity. The Glass House is in Leiden this year. More info:

Serious Request/Glazen Huis – Fireworks

24 Dec 2011 89
Serious Request/Glazen Huis is a charity event. Three DJs of the 3FM radio channel are locked in a glass house for a week without food. They take to the air in shifts, trying to collect money for charity. The Glass House is in Leiden this year. More info:

Serious Request/Glazen Huis 2011 – 2006 DAF AE75PC…

59 items in total