Leiden – new and old development

Achmea building in Leiden

Folder: Leiden, the Netherlands

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02 Oct 2008

99 visits

Leiden – new and old development

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16 Oct 2008

114 visits

New office in the making

I wonder if it will be completed, with all this credit crisis roaming about.

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24 Oct 2008

118 visits

The Two Towers

The work progresses See here: www.flickr.com/photos/govert1970/2955937254

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10 Nov 2008

129 visits

Three towers

02 Dec 2008

100 visits

Four towers

More towers to ruin the skyline of Leiden.

26 Jan 2009

136 visits

Five towers

30 Jan 2009

112 visits

The five towers from the other side

14 Apr 2009

148 visits


14 Apr 2009

144 visits

Concrete towers

21 items in total