André Franquin exhibition in Brussels: modern chair

André Franquin exhibition

Exhibition of 2007.

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18 Mar 2007

135 visits

André Franquin exhibition in Brussels: modern chair

André Franquin was a Belgian artist who made comic strips and created several characters, like Gaston Lagaffe (Guust Flater in Dutch) and Marsupilami. The exhibition brought many things from the comic strips to life.

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18 Mar 2007

204 visits

André Franquin exhibition in Brussels: several "office" machines designed by Gaston Lagaffe

André Franquin was a Belgian artist who made comic strips and created several characters, like Gaston Lagaffe (Guust Flater in Dutch) and Marsupilami. The exhibition brought many things from the comic strips to life.

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18 Mar 2007

332 visits

André Franquin exhibition in Brussels: original drawing

André Franquin was a Belgian artist who made comic strips and created several characters, like Gaston Lagaffe (Guust Flater in Dutch) and Marsupilami. The exhibition brought many things from the comic strips to life.

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18 Mar 2007

294 visits

André Franquin exhibition in Brussels: the car of Gaston Lagaffe: 1925 Fiat 509

André Franquin was a Belgian artist who made comic strips and created several characters, like Gaston Lagaffe (Guust Flater in Dutch) and Marsupilami. The exhibition brought many things from the comic strips to life.

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18 Mar 2007

137 visits

André Franquin exhibition in Brussels: the car of Gaston Lagaffe: 1925 Fiat 509

André Franquin was a Belgian artist who made comic strips and created several characters, like Gaston Lagaffe (Guust Flater in Dutch) and Marsupilami. The exhibition brought many things from the comic strips to life.

18 Mar 2007

115 visits

1925 Fiat 509

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18 Mar 2007

399 visits

André Franquin exhibition in Brussels: Turbotraction 2

One of the cars from the comic strip Spirou. André Franquin was a Belgian artist who made comic strips and created several characters, like Gaston Lagaffe (Guust Flater in Dutch) and Marsupilami. The exhibition brought many things from the comic strips to life.

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18 Mar 2007

344 visits

André Franquin exhibition in Brussels: Turbotraction 1

One of the cars from the comic strip Spirou. Also known as the Turbo-Rhino 1. André Franquin was a Belgian artist who made comic strips and created several characters, like Gaston Lagaffe (Guust Flater in Dutch) and Marsupilami. The exhibition brought many things from the comic strips to life.

18 Mar 2007

273 visits

Turbotraction 1

14 items in total