Drain cover of the Grofsmederij on the Binnenhof

Koninklijke Nederlandse Grofsmederij

Folder: Leiden, the Netherlands
The Nederlandse Grofsmederij was an iron works company, located in Leiden, which didn't survive the big shake-out of the manufacturing industry in the 1970s. It was founded in 1836 by a Dutch-Frenchman William Archibald Bake who (amongst other things) fought in the Russian campaign of Napoleon. In its heyday it employed around 700 men. Here is a picture of the workshop of the Grofsmederij: www.fl…  (read more)

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27 Mar 2011

124 visits

Drain cover of the Grofsmederij on the Binnenhof

Next to the pump.

12 Apr 2010

117 visits

Bridge over the New Rhine in Leiden

Made by the Koninklijke Nederlandsche Grofsmederij and the N.V. Hollandsche Constructie Werkplaatsen in 1937.

12 Apr 2010

130 visits

Plate on a bridge of the Koninklijke Nederlandsche Grofsmederij and the N.V. Hollandsche Constructie Werkplaatsen

1937. Leiden, Nieuwe Rijn, Langestraat.

22 Mar 2010

131 visits

Old drain cover of the Grofsmederij

Apparantly installed by H.E. van der Heide.

16 Mar 2010

171 visits

Two old drain covers

Two old drain covers

14 Jul 2009

132 visits

Manhole cover of the Grofsmederij

03 Apr 2009

126 visits

Drain cover of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Grofsmederij

The Nederlandse Grofsmederij was an iron works company, located in Leiden, which didn't survive the big shake-out of the manufacturing industry in the 1970s. It was founded in 1836 by a Dutch-Frenchman William Archibald Bake who (amongst other things) fought in the Russian campaign of Napoleon. In its heyday it employed around 700 men. Here is a picture of the workshop of the Grofsmederij: www.flickr.com/photos/95306653@N00/2212827614 / Grofsmederij is a composite noun consisting of "grof" meaning coarse or rough, opposite of fine, and "smederij" meaning smithy or foundry. So the company made the big stuff, not fine ironwork.

03 Apr 2009

92 visits

Manhole cover of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Grofsmederij

26 Mar 2009

152 visits

Small drain cover of the Grofsmederij

This one looks like a face. The Nederlandse Grofsmederij was an iron works company, located in Leiden, which didn't survive the big shake-out of the manufacturing industry in the 1970s. It was founded in 1836 by a Dutch-Frenchman William Archibald Bake who (amongst other things) fought in the Russian campaign of Napoleon. In its heyday it employed around 700 men. Here is a picture of the workshop of the Grofsmederij: www.flickr.com/photos/95306653@N00/2212827614 / Grofsmederij is a composite noun consisting of "grof" meaning coarse or rough, opposite of fine, and "smederij" meaning smithy or foundry. So the company made the big stuff, not fine ironwork. More of my pics of the drain covers of the Grofsmederij: www.flickr.com/search/?q=grofsmederij&w=39839593@N00 and everywhere on flickr: www.flickr.com/search/?q=grofsmederij&w=all
25 items in total