Pharmacologisch Instituut in Utrecht

Greek gods

Pharmacologisch Instituut in Utrecht

03 Mar 2006 144
Old picture of 2006.

Tuta est ægide Pallas

05 Mar 2006 142
fronton over one of the gates of the Gravensteen in Leiden. It shows the goddess Pallas Athene with her shield (aegis) with the head of the Gorgo Medusa on the left, and her spear on the right. It used to be the gate to the house of the rector of the grammar school in Leiden. Tuta est aegide Pallas means "Pallas is save because of her shield"

Things on Rooftops: nr. 9 Pallas Athene Weatherva…

A young Hermes with gleaming blue eyes

Things on Rooftops: nr. 7 The Gilded Turk with Po…

Things on Rooftops: nr. 7 The Gilded Turk with Po…

Visiting the Louwman Collection: Radiator cap orna…

Hermes in Haarlem with a broken nose

Poseidon displaying socially unacceptable behaviou…

31 Dec 2006 151
You simply cannot go around throwing half-naked women over your shoulder, certainly not with all that facial hair.

Statue to commemorate a act of resistance in 1942

07 Nov 2007 157
English translation of the text: "In the night of December 12/13, 1942 the students Gijs den Besten, Frits Iordens, Geert Lubberhuizen, Anne Maclaine Pont and Rutger Matthijsen set fire to the university administration, which was housed behind this wall, in order to prevent the occupier from misusing this information. The University of Utrecht honours in them all her students and staff members who during the years of 1940–1945 were involved in the resistance. The partly-melted Hermes statue shows the effect of the fire. 'In the blackest hours we kept on knowing that there are eternal principles.' Prof.dr. P.C.A. Geyl"

Hermes and space invader

Pallas Athene

28 Feb 2008 123
On the door of one of the buildings of the old Academic Hospital (now National Museum of Ethnology).

Hermes on a building in The Hague

23 Apr 2008 103
in the Statenkwartier neighbourhood

Kleverlaan Cemetery in Haarlem – Pallas Athene

18 Jul 2008 221
I knelt down to take this picture, a very wise thing to do when photographing a goddess.

Kleverlaan Cemetery in Haarlem – Pallas Athene


Rapenburg 65

Rapenburg 65

101 items in total