Kiev: Plaque to commemorate Karl Liebknecht


Zeeuws-Vlaanderen – KNAC S.O.S. dienst

28 Jan 2013 183
A visit to (Zeeuws-)Vlaanderen.

Zeeuws-Vlaanderen – Volledige vergunning

28 Jan 2013 122
A visit to (Zeeuws-)Vlaanderen.

Let op!! Slecht wegdek

01 Feb 2013 128
Watch out !! Bad road surface. In the Soviet Union there was a factory which had to make 100,000 signs every year which read "Lift out of order".

Voetgangers via trottoir

09 Feb 2013 134
Pedestrians on the sidewalk.

Plaque commemorating the scientific work of Willeb…

Take the stairs, it is better

Having a moustache is fun

Plaque commemorating Joan Melchior Kemper

21 Feb 2013 122
Professor of Law at Leiden University from 1809 to 1824. The plaque dates from 1913. Originally located on the Breestraat 109, where Kemper lived, since 1966 at the Gravensteen.

Catholic cemetery in Oudewater

Oude SIngel via Nieuwe Mare

28 Mar 2013 90
If you want to go to the Oude Singel (Old Canal) you have to go via the Nieuwe Mare (New Mare).

Plaque commemorating the printer-publisher A.W. Si…

29 Mar 2013 137

Old sign prohibiting cars

Enamel street sign

01 Apr 2013 101
Vierde Binnenvestgracht

Sign on a stick

We’re doomed

Watch out for the white hands

Verboden met (brom)fiets aan de hand het park te b…

10 Apr 2013 87
Forbidden to enter the park with a bicycle or moped on your hand.

899 items in total