Street fashion for the young male

Street fashion for the young male

More jogging pants

More jogging pants

Students returning to Leiden

17 Sep 2007 123
The Netherlands is a small country, so every weekend a lot of students go back to their parents and on Monday they return with clean laundry.

Jogging pants

Student boys

21 Sep 2007 1 184
Longish hair is almost obligatory for students nowaday.

Jogging pants

Jogging pants

An onlooker of the traditional parade for Leiden's…

The Leiden's Relief Fair

The Leiden's Relief Fair: Burberry

The Leiden's Relief Fair

The Leiden's Relief Fair

03 Oct 2007 158
Inspired by this picture:


BMX Bandit

Street fashion for the young male

Looking for fish

03 Nov 2007 1 141
Looking for fish

Working in the train

A hoodie and a non-hoodie

544 items in total