Oxford – Neighbourhood watch area sign

Oxford 2013

Folder: United Kingdom – Mann – Ireland
Pictures taken in Oxford in May 2013.

Oxford – Neighbourhood watch area sign

Oxford – Post Office Telephones

Oxford – Oxford water FP

Oxford – Outside television

Oxford – Wall letter box

Oxford – Mercedes-Benz 230 CE

07 May 2013 144
With column shift.

Oxford – Pedestrian crossing

Oxford – Electricity supply

Oxford – Drain of Cowley of Oxford

Oxford – Exciting changes to bus travel

07 May 2013 2 159
I don't understand why this information is still to be found at bus stops, instead of a useful map showing the bus lines.

Oxford – Saviour of the British car industry

07 May 2013 1 182
1991 Rover Metro SL. At least, it was supposed to be.

Oxford – Manhole cover of Broads of London

Oxford – Green bus

Oxford – Ornamental manhole cover

Oxford – Stop Cock

Oxford – The Cricketers' Arms

Oxford – Morland Abindon gable stone

Oxford – The Cricketers' Arms

131 items in total