Portland water

Manhole covers and such like

Manhole and access covers.

Portland water

Portland images: Northwestern Steam Electric Co.

Post-Office Telegraphs

Train journey to London: Iron cover at Brussels So…

Cambridge: F. Burwick, Sanitary Engineer

01 May 2008 207
More than a century old.

Cambridge: Manhole cover


01 May 2008 1 142
General Post Office

Cambridge: Hayward's Patent Self Locking iron cove…

Manhole cover

04 May 2008 182
Just in case you were wondering what it was

Paving stone of the PTT

07 May 2008 175
This stone indicates the location of telephone wires underground. From the time of the State Company for Post, Telegraphy and Telephone. Now broken up into KPN and TNT.

Stedelijke Gasfabriek (City Gas Works)

18 Jun 2008 154
Remnant of the old days, when the city council was responsible for the utility companies.

Sewer cover of the Kon. Nederlandse Grofsmederij

06 Aug 2008 186
The Nederlandse Grofsmederij was an iron works company, located in Leiden, which didn't survive the big shake-out of the manufacturing industry in the 1970s. It was founded in 1836 by a Dutch-Frenchman William Archibald Bake who (amongst other things) fought in the Russian campaign of Napoleon. In its heyday it employed around 700 men.

Sewer cover by G.J. v.d. Broek of Haarlem


30 Aug 2008 150

Some details from Leiden

New, unconnected sewer cover

19 Sep 2008 126
nothing spectacular

Hanning & Kahl

Manhole cover

22 Sep 2008 135
No open fire allowed: fire danger!

416 items in total