Robin / Roodborst (Erithacus rubecula)

Small birds

Folder: Birds (in categories)

17 Feb 2016

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583 visits

Robin / Roodborst (Erithacus rubecula)

06 May 2015

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942 visits

Chiffchaff / Tjiftjaf (Phylloscopus collybita)

After following his song, I had finally spotted him and as I hoped he would move closer to me, he suddenly did. Landed right in front of me on a pretty branch. You gotta have some luck sometimes. Hello everybody!! I've been away for a bit. Some problems, mostly to do with health. I did manage to shoot a bit, but that was all I had energy for, so I did upload my images, but kept them hidden. Well, no more. I have made everything public and I will check out everyone's work later today and the following days. Hopefully I'll be able to participate fully again.

23 Apr 2015

5 favorites

789 visits

Great Tit / Koolmees (Parus major)

Taken just before dawn in cold, blue light.

03 Feb 2015

501 visits

Goldcrest / Goudhaan (Regulus regulus)

A first and a lifer for me! These are the tiniest birds I have ever seen.

03 Feb 2015

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1 comment

534 visits

Goldcrest / Goudhaan (Regulus regulus)

02 Jan 2015

7 favorites


1 295 visits

Great Tit / Koolmees (Parus major)

The usual suspects. Just testing out the "new" new camera. :)

28 Dec 2014

10 favorites


1 099 visits

Great Tit / Koolmees (Parus major)

30 Nov 2014

7 favorites


875 visits

European Robin / Roodborst (Erithacus rubecula)

A very grey, dark day so I took my 300/4 with me and came away with one shot that I liked.

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09 Jun 2014

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579 visits

Reed Bunting / Rietgors (Emberiza schoeniclus)

This was the best one of a small bunch of shots. It's a big crop, but this is another lifer so I'm sharing anyway.
18 items in total