Eurasian Wigeon / Smient (Anas penelope)


Folder: Birds (in categories)

10 Mar 2015

1 favorite

640 visits

Eurasian Wigeon / Smient (Anas penelope)

Fighting over a lady...

01 Jan 2015

6 favorites


807 visits

Mallard / Wilde Eend (Anas platyrhynchos)

I took the 1D3 back to the shop. It had a serious AF problem. Especially with moving birds it could not focus properly. I tried for a month, read everything about the 1D3's AF drive and Custom Functions menu III, but to no avail. So I gave up. I went to the shop yesterday (last day of 2014) and they were wonderful and they gave me another 1D3 and this one is brilliant. Just absolutely perfect. I went to the park this afternoon. Nothing much to see there and bad light. Very grey and dark, but the camera performed beautifully. I had the 300/4 with me and this lady came too close so I cropped her a bit more to get a portrait. I shot it wide open so DOF is shallow. I am struggling with processing the files though as they are very different from those from my old 1DIIn, so if this duck doesn't look good, it's not the camera but me doing bad things in Photoshop. Seriously! :)

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05 May 2013

13 favorites


830 visits

Mallard / Wilde Eend (Anas platyrhynchos)

Taken late afternoon.