Alan H's photos

Oil Lamp

26 Apr 2023 1 23
A man with two horses, perhaps giving a display of trick riding. "To the Roar of the Crowd' exhibition at Segedunum Roman Fort, Wallsend, UK. Depictions of gladiator fights and chariot racing in ancient Rome.

Oil Lamp

26 Apr 2023 1 24
The presence of the whip on the ground shows this was a nasty accident, with the bear killing one of the men (armed with whips) who trained and controlled the animals while they were in the arena. "To the Roar of the Crowd' exhibition at Segedunum Roman Fort, Wallsend, UK. Depictions of gladiator fights and chariot racing in ancient Rome.

Oil Lamp

26 Apr 2023 1 18
A criminal condemned to death. The scene gives an idea of what it would have been like - the unarmed man has curled up and tries to protect himself from the bear. "To the Roar of the Crowd' exhibition at Segedunum Roman Fort, Wallsend, UK. Depictions of gladiator fights and chariot racing in ancient Rome.

Lead Pendant

26 Apr 2023 1 24
Probably a sealing from a bag of prize money, showing a man armed with a spear fighting a lion. "To the Roar of the Crowd' exhibition at Segedunum Roman Fort, Wallsend, UK. Depictions of gladiator fights and chariot racing in ancient Rome.

Oil Lamp

26 Apr 2023 1 18
A hunter carrying a large oval shield chases a leopard. "To the Roar of the Crowd' exhibition at Segedunum Roman Fort, Wallsend, UK. Depictions of gladiator fights and chariot racing in ancient Rome.

Oil Lamp

26 Apr 2023 1 23
A bare-footed hunter, wearing only a tunic and carrying a shield, fights a bear. "To the Roar of the Crowd' exhibition at Segedunum Roman Fort, Wallsend, UK. Depictions of gladiator fights and chariot racing in ancient Rome.

Furniture Fitting

26 Apr 2023 1 24
Copper alloy fitting, perhaps from a piece of furniture, showing a man fighting a panther. "To the Roar of the Crowd' exhibition at Segedunum Roman Fort, Wallsend, UK. Depictions of gladiator fights and chariot racing in ancient Rome.

Roman Grafitti

26 Apr 2023 18
Grafitti from Pompeii: Marus Attilius (one fight, one win): WON Lucius Raecius Felix (twelve fights, twelve wins): LOST BUT SPARED "To the Roar of the Crowd' exhibition at Segedunum Roman Fort, Wallsend, UK. Depictions of gladiator fights and chariot racing in ancient Rome.

Roman Grafitti

26 Apr 2023 23
Grafitti from Pompeii: Spiculus of Nero’s troupe (novice): WON Aptonetus, freedman (16 wins): DIED "To the Roar of the Crowd' exhibition at Segedunum Roman Fort, Wallsend, UK. Depictions of gladiator fights and chariot racing in ancient Rome.

Segedunum - Cavalry Barracks

26 Apr 2023 31
Shown from the front. The barracks were divided into a number of units. Each unit was divded into two 'rooms'. The front part was for the horses (shown by the darker oval areas which acted as urine traps), the rear part for the cavalry soldiers. Segedunum Roman Fort, Wallsend, UK.

Segedunum - Principia

26 Apr 2023 1 25
Principia - the Headquarters Building of the fort. The strong room is at the top left adjoining two 'office rooms'. The strong room is where all the valuables would have been kept. A possible water tank is shown at the bottom of the picture. Segedunum Roman Fort, Wallsend, UK.

Segedunum - Cavalry Barracks

26 Apr 2023 1 19
The barracks were divided into a number of units. Each unit was divded into two 'rooms'. The front part was for the horses (shown by the darker oval areas which acted as urine traps), the rear part for the cavalry soldiers. Segedunum Roman Fort, Wallsend, UK.


26 Apr 2023 1 20
Three mess tins, used to cook and carry food, were found together here. Segedunum Roman Fort, Wallsend, UK.

Segedunum - Cavalry Barracks

26 Apr 2023 1 25
An almost complete ringmail shirt was found in a pit in this room of the cavalry barrack. Segedunum Roman Fort, Wallsend, UK.

Roman Sword

01 Oct 2014 34
Sword with inlaid figure of Mars.Found near the south east angle tower of the Roman fort of Arbeia.

Roman Shield Boss

01 Oct 2014 1 26
Copper alloy shield boss. Decorated with motifs which include the four seasons, one in each corner; an eagle clutching an olive branch, with military standards at each side; Mars, god of war, above the boss; and a bull below. The bull was the emblem of the 8th legion Augusta and an inscription, LEG VIII AVG, shows that the shield belonged to a soldier in that legion. Shield boss of Junius Dubitatus, early 2nd century AD. Found near the mouth of the River Tyne in 1867. This is the bronze centre panel from a wooden legionary shield of curved rectangular shape. It has been decorated with punched and incised designs that are enhanced by the application of a tinned surface to the background. The effect would have been of golden-coloured figures on a silver-coloured background. The motifs include the four seasons (one in each corner); an eagle clutching an olive branch (on the central circular boss), with military standards at each side; Mars, god of war, above the boss; and a bull below. The bull was the emblem of the 8th legion Augusta. A detachment of that legion served in Britain under the emperor Hadrian (reigned AD 117-38). The inscription above the standards, LEG VIII AVG, shows that the shield belonged to a soldier in that legion. In fact, we know his name because he marked it on the left edge of the panel with a pointed tool: IVL MAGNI IVNI DVBITATI, which translates as 'the property of Junius Dubitatus, of Julius Magnus' century'.

Arbeia - Inscription

01 Oct 2014 2 2 40
IMP CAES DIVI SEVER NEPOS DIVI MGNI ANTONINI FIL M AVREL SEVERVS ..................... PIVS FELIX AVG PONTIF MAX TRIB POT PP COS AQVAM VISBVS MIL COH V GALLO IN DVXIT CVRATE MRIO VALERIANO LEG EIVS PR PR Translation:- The Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Severus Alexander Pius Felix Augustus, grandson of the deified Severus, son of Antoninus the Great, pontifex maximus, with tribunician power, father of his country, consul, brought in this supply of water for the use of the soldiers of the Fifth Cohort of Gauls, under the charge of Marius Valerianus, his propraetorian legate. RIB 1060 - Aqueduct dedication to Severus Alexander dated 222AD The presence of the Gallic infantry unit, Cohors V Gallorum, at South Shields is attested in this dedicatory inscription dated to 222AD, which celebrates the completion of the new fort aqueduct (vide supra).

High Force, Teesdale (62 05)

15 Jun 1990 2 30
Teesdale, County Durham, England. Taken in 1990 on 35mm film.

4277 photos in total