The Great Tower, Warkworth Castle

Warkworth Castle

Folder: Places
The castle and town of Warkworth occupy a naturally fortified site in a loop of the river Coquet, less than a mile from the Northumberland coast. The castle developed around two main elements – a high artificial mound, or motte, and a fortified enclosure, or bailey.
The great tower, which stands on top of the motte, was commissioned by Henry Percy after he was made 1st Earl of Northumberland in 1…  (read more)

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09 Jul 2015

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261 visits

The Great Tower, Warkworth Castle

Warkworth Castle, Northumberland, England.

09 Jul 2015

200 visits

Lion Tower

Warkworth Castle, Northumberland, England.

09 Jul 2015

191 visits

Detail of the Lion Tower

Warkworth Castle, Northumberland, England.

09 Jul 2015

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211 visits

Overlooking the River Coquet

From Warkworth Castle, Northumberland, England.

09 Jul 2015

167 visits

Viewing Tower

Warkworth Castle, Northumberland, England.

09 Jul 2015

188 visits

Fireplace in the Great Hall

Warkworth Castle, Northumberland, England.

09 Jul 2015

165 visits

Curtain Wall

Warkworth Castle, Northumberland, England.

09 Jul 2015

153 visits

Chapel Tiles

Warkworth Castle, Northumberland, England.

09 Jul 2015

220 visits

Warkworth Castle

Warkworth Castle, Northumberland, England.
17 items in total