Model of the Villa

Chedworth Roman Villa

Folder: Roman Britain
The remains of one of the largest Romano-British villas in the country featuring several fine mosaics, two bathhouses, hypocausts, a water-shrine and latrine. The site museum houses objects from the villa.
Chedworth is the best site in the country for exploring and understanding the remains of a large country house of the Roman period.
The villa was discovered by accident in 1864, when a gamekeepe…  (read more)

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10 Jun 2013

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136 visits

Model of the Villa

How the villa might have looked in the 4th century AD. Chedworth Roman Villa, Gloucestershire, England. June 2013.

10 Jun 2013

153 visits


Chedworth Roman Villa, Gloucestershire, England. June 2013.

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10 Jun 2013

1 comment

259 visits


In the corridor of the West Wing of Chedworth Roman Villa, Gloucestershire, England. June 2013.

10 Jun 2013

169 visits

Dining Room

Chedworth Roman Villa, Gloucestershire, England. June 2013.

10 Jun 2013

195 visits

Mosaic Detail

Detail of the dining room mosaic. Chedworth Roman Villa, Gloucestershire, England. June 2013.

10 Jun 2013

123 visits

Dining Room Mosaic Detail

Chedworth Roman Villa, Gloucestershire, England. June 2013.

10 Jun 2013

132 visits

Lobby Mosaic

The lobby led to the dining room. Chedworth Roman Villa, Gloucestershire, England. June 2013.

10 Jun 2013

149 visits


Still being excavated. Guests may have assembled here before entering the dining room. Chedworth Roman Villa, Gloucestershire, England. June 2013.

10 Jun 2013

310 visits


This is a replica sistrum - these were used in the worship of the Egyptian goddess, Isis. As her statue was carried into the temple the priests would shake their sistra to announce her presence. Chedworth Roman Villa, Gloucestershire, England. June 2013.
33 items in total