Forum Romanorum

Ancient Rome

Folder: Roman Empire
Photos taken April 2006 and May 2019.

Steps of the Basilica Julia

13 Apr 2006 73
I spotted these on the steps of the Basilica Julia - the carefully carved out holes in the slabs are for a stone or seed game similar to 'Mancala'.

Umbilicus Urbis

14 Apr 2006 3 120
This unassuming brick structure is the Umbilicus Urbis - it marked the centre of Rome and hence the centre of the ancient world.

Arch of Septimius Severus

11 Apr 2006 95
Roman Forum, Rome.

Arch of Septimius Severus

11 Apr 2006 125
Roman Forum, Rome.


14 Apr 2006 98
View of the Arch of Septimius Severus from below.

Temple of Romulus

14 Apr 2006 74
In the Roman Forum in Rome. It was probably a temple for Romulus, the son of emperor Maxentius and it retains its original doors.

Basilica of Constantine

11 Apr 2006 72
Roman Forum, Rome.

Arch of Titus

11 Apr 2006 80
This side of the Arch of Titus received a new inscription after it was restored during the pontificate of Pope Pius VII in 1821. The restoration was intentionally made in travertine to differentiate between the original and the restored portions: INSIGNE · RELIGIONIS · ATQVE · ARTIS · MONVMENTVM VETVSTATE · FATISCENS PIVS · SEPTIMVS · PONTIFEX · MAX(IMVS) NOVIS · OPERIBVS · PRISCVM · EXEMPLAR · IMITANTIBVS FVLCIRI · SERVARIQVE · IVSSIT ANNO · SACRI · PRINCIPATVS · EIVS · XXIIII (This) monument, remarkable in terms of both religion and art, had weakened from age: Pius the Seventh, Supreme Pontiff, by new works on the model of the ancient exemplar ordered it reinforced and preserved. In the year of his sacred rulership the 24th

Arch of Titus

14 Apr 2006 123
SENATVS POPVLVSQVE·ROMANVS DIVO·TITO·DIVI·VESPASIANI·F(ILIO) VESPASIANO·AVGVSTO The Roman Senate and People (dedicate this) to the divine Titus Vespasianus Augustus, son of the divine Vespasian.

Arch of Titus

Arch of Titus

15 May 2019 45
Inside the arch showing the Romans carrying off the menorah after ransacking the Hebrew Temple in Jerusalem. Titus together with his father, Vespasian, were generals at this time.


13 Apr 2006 102
Senatus Publique Romanus (the Senate and People of Rome)

Marble Column

14 Apr 2006 81
Roman Forum, Rome.


11 Apr 2006 99
In AD 303, five honorary columns were added behind the Rostra, the first major structures to be erected in the Forum since the time of Septimius Severus. They celebrated the tenth anniversary of the Tetrarchy, which was the occasion of Diocletian's only visit to Rome as emperor. One of the marble pedestals, the so-called Decennalia Base, was discovered in 1547 and has been placed nearby on the Via Sacra. In this view, a bull, a sheep, and a pig, accompanied by attendants are shown. They were the traditional sacrifice to Mars.

Via Sacra

11 Apr 2006 95
Entrance to the Roman Forum, Rome.

Arch of Constantine

Trajan's Column

11 Apr 2006 108
Erected in 113AD to celebrate Emperor Trajan's victories in Dacia (modern day Romania). The 30m column is decorated with a spiral frieze carved with events from that war. Rome, April 2006.

Trajan's Column

14 Apr 2006 126
Erected in 113AD to celebrate Emperor Trajan's victories in Dacia (modern day Romania). The 30m column is decorated with a spiral frieze carved with events from that war. Rome, April 2006.

84 items in total