catalpa 2023 3 aqua

DLR is also a frustrated painter ;-)

insoutenable légèreté

19 Sep 2014 5 2 254
for Susan Marie

i'm a wild cat !

no photo !

"Time was" ...a special one for Susan Marie

Halloween dream

Alan's angel, blowing free in the sunset myst

20 Nov 2013 3 308
pour Alan John Taylor

Rest in... Pop

another full moon rêverie


08 Dec 2014 4 239
~ rêverie sur une photo originale de Jacques Bouton ~ Rambha, dans la mythologie Hindoue, est la Reine des Apsaras. Elle demeure inégalée dans l'art de la musique, de la danse et de l'amour. Rambha, in Hindu mythology, is the Queen of the Apsarases. She is unrivalled in her accomplishments in the arts of dancing, music and love-making.

B.enjoying her Xmas catnip

Cheshire Cat

17 Apr 2014 2 1 237
But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked. "Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad." "How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.” ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

75 items in total