me et i

Lucy in the sky-y ...

26 May 2013 5 2 257
... without diamonds ;-)

Shooting for peace & fun

by me ~ November 2010

7 août - Fête des Battages 151

7 août - Fête des Battages 128

7 août - Fête des Battages 070

28 Juillet 2011 175

It's only words ;-)


03 Jul 2011 61
I see the waning landscape colored in hues faint as a dying king's crown So Majestic for a few minutes and then the color of night comes like a thief to change the scene My mind is a camera taking it in Holding on to what is lost hoping I can copy it and show it to the world ~ thank you Rick for this poem who puts me into words so well ♥

1er mai 2011 044 (2)

43 items in total