Chalk Hill Blue - Lysandra coridon

Germany July 2023

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11 Jul 2023

36 visits

Chalk Hill Blue - Lysandra coridon

A Chalk Hill Blue butterfly resing on the track to the Koenigsbachalm in the Berchtesgardener Alps. Chalk Hill Blue is a complex species, with much local variation representing subspecies or distinct species.

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11 Jul 2023

36 visits

Broad bodied Chaser - Libellula depressa

A male Broad-bodied Chaser resting on a Bog Cotton plant in the Berchtesgarden Alps.

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11 Jul 2023

34 visits

Scarlet Tiger Moth - Callimorpha dominula

A Scarlet Tiger moth discovered along the Koenigsweg between the Koenigsbachalm and the Jennerbahn middle station in the Berchtesgardener Alps. The species flies by day and night, with a bright red underwing to warn off any potential predators and which is just about visible in this picture.

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11 Jul 2023

26 visits


An unidentified Broomrape flower found along the Koenigsweg between the Koenigsbachalm and the Jennerbahn middle station. Broomrapes are very unusual flowers as they parasitise other flowers, with some being highly specific to certain host species.

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11 Jul 2023

29 visits

Kehlstein Mountain

The Kehlstein mountain as seen from the Koenigsweg to the south. The building near the summit is the infamous Kehlsteinhaus, also known as the Eagle's Nest, which was used occasionally by Adolf Hitler. It is now used as a restaurant with a small exhibition on the history of the building. The steep access road up to the Kehlsteinhaus is very obvious from this viewpoint. Closed to public traffic, it is only used by the official tour buses.