Fritillary - Fritillaria meleagris

Flowers and Plants

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22 Apr 2023

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35 visits

Fritillary - Fritillaria meleagris

A Fritillary flower in the Grove woodland in the centre of Bamburgh village. The species is normally only found in meadows so this small colony may be derived from garden escapes. A small hoverfly can be seen resting o the top of the flower.

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11 Jul 2023

46 visits


An unidentified Broomrape flower found along the Koenigsweg between the Koenigsbachalm and the Jennerbahn middle station. Broomrapes are very unusual flowers as they parasitise other flowers, with some being highly specific to certain host species.

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25 Aug 2023

30 visits

Ivy leaved Toadflax - Cymbalaria muralis

Ivy-leaved Toadflax (Cymbalaria muralis) growing on the walls of Monkwearmouth bridge. Not native to Britain, it is thought to have been introduced in the 1600s and can be found in rocky habitats such as walls, pavements and beached.

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08 Sep 2023

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42 visits

[Oldest UK] Crab Apple - Malus sylvestris

A true survivor - this crab apple tree is considered to be the oldest in Britain at possibly over a hundred years old. With a girth of over 3.5 metres, it is the widest in the country and also the second largest in Europe. Unfortunately the tree was heavily damaged during a storm in November 2021. The PIPs show the hollow stem of the tree, as well as the damage caused by the storm. The remaining branches are still producing good numbers of apples though! Information from:

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27 Apr 2024

24 visits

Dandelion - Taraxacum officinale

Dandelions are something you can pass by without noticing every day, but it is an amazing flower when seen up close.

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27 Apr 2024

28 visits

Forget-me-not - Myosotis sp.

A close-up of some Forget-me-not flowers at Cresswell Pele tower.