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Moshi, Tanzania Ordination

I was privileged to attend an ordination in Moshi, Tanzania. I was only there a few days, so my understanding ion Tanzania and its culture is limited. But, from what I observed, at least around Moshi, the Catholic church operates the schools, the orphanage, the university, hospitals, and clinics, and generally provides the social fabric for the community. The ordination of priests is a major occas…  (read more)

06 Jul 2017

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94 visits

DSC 5213

Ordination of priests, Moshi, Tanzania—Usher & people entering the cathedral.

06 Jul 2017

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107 visits

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Moshi, Tanzania Ordination—parishioners before mass begins.

06 Jul 2017

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90 visits

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Moshi, Tanzania Ordination—Altar boy.

06 Jul 2017

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109 visits

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Moshi, Tanzania Ordination—Candidates lying prostate

06 Jul 2017

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85 visits

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Moshi, Tanzania Ordination—Candidates being ordained

06 Jul 2017

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74 visits

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Moshi, Tanzania Ordination—Parishioner

07 Jul 2017

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112 visits

Honoring a new priest after his first mass (DSC 6820)

Children outside of church following Thanksgiving mass of a newly-ordained priest, displaying cards of the priest. Near Moshi, Tanzania. The children were outside the church as I went out the door. I picked up my camera and snapped the photo, sacrificing better focus and depth of field because I was afraid I would lose the photo.