Baltzer Lookout view

Blue Mountains

22 Sep 2017

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74 visits

Baltzer Lookout view

21 Sep 2017

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88 visits

Grose Valley from Baltzer Lookout

View from Baltzer. Hanging Rock is just out of sight to the left

22 Sep 2017

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94 visits

Hanging Rock (left) and Baltzer Lookout

I'd seen a photo at the NPWS and so wanted to see this place. Little did I realise it wasn't that far away, immediately west of Blackheath. Getting to this position isn't for the fainthearted though, it involves a tricky walk down and unprotected slope.

22 Sep 2017

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98 visits

Hanging Rock (left) and Baltzer Lookout

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05 Mar 2021

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97 visits

Glenbrook Gorge

A lesser known gorge at the eastern end of the Blue Mountains

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27 Mar 2021

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82 visits

Grand Canyon

Near Blackheath, this is one of the more famous walks in the Blue Mountains

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25 Mar 2021

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88 visits

Glow Worm Nook Falls

Fungi at the falls

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25 Mar 2021

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86 visits

Glow Worm Nook Falls

It's rare to see so much water going over this creek. We got lucky

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25 Mar 2021

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62 visits

Horseshoe Falls

Arguably the best of the four falls on this walk near Hazelbrook
10 items in total