Tiexano's photos

Ventilation windows

22 Jul 2017 3 2 74
Bauhaus, Dessau.

Cycling through sunny Saxony-Anhalt had a distinct…

21 Jul 2017 69
Dry heat, flat landscape with sparse trees and people living next to ruins.

Tower of Schloss Neugattersleben

21 Jul 2017 68
Where the Archbishopric of Magdeburg met the Principality of Anhalt-Bernburg lies the not to small Castle Neugattersleben. Sadly I didn't dare to sneak inside.

Schloss Hohenerxleben

21 Jul 2017 2 1 67
A tiny castle over the river Bode. Partly renovated after years of disarray it features parts from all kind of centuries, back to the 16th.

Approaching Castle Hohenerxleben

21 Jul 2017 39
A small village just outside Staßfurt, following the river Bode.

Dramatic clouds over Lake Löderburg

20 Jul 2017 1 45
Cumulus congestus in the dusk.

Collective farming artefact

20 Jul 2017 36
Two huge walls found far out in the fields in Saxony-Anhalt. I have never seen any thing like that before, maybe it's a remnant of old GDR style agriculture?

Young storks close-up

18 Jul 2017 1 46
This is the maximal zoom of my Nikon P500

Early flowers, Mössinger Balkonkastenmischung

05 Jul 2017 46
Wild tulips flower early, but they wither as well when summer comes. That's when annual plants come in. I like to buy a sachet of flower seeds for the window sill. They are selected to be small and grow and flower at different speed , that wax you have slow but constant variation in front of your windows.

Staple food grains of the world, Section M: Millet…

17 Jun 2017 27
Paspalum scrobiculatum is a perannial grain that originates in West Africa. It grows wild all over the Old World Tropics. Domesticated races are mostely grown in India since at least 3000 years. It is used to make flour, but can also be cooked like rice.

Sawa Dosa

02 May 2017 33
Sawa is another Indian millet, also known as Barnyard Millet. Here I make dosa style pancakes, which is way easier than steamed idlis if you lack the proper equipment.


14 Apr 2017 29
A small runnel in the woods of Mount Freeden.

Staple food grains of the world, Section M: Millet…

10 Mar 2017 24
Echinochloa frumentacea is a tropical grass that has been domesticated in India, Nepal, and Sikkim. Its wild ancestor is the tropical grass Echinochloa colona. Sawa or Indian Barnyard Millet plays a role in a number of Hindu fasting traditions where only "unusual" foods are supposed to be eaten.

Dominican Casava and Pork Rolls

10 Mar 2017 35
The finished "Panecicos". They have a unique texture and great pork flavour. It's a recipe from Dominican Cooking and includes a recipe for unique Dominican Pork ,Chicharrón de Cerdo. This is what the ingredients look like.

Ingredients for Dominican Casava and Pork Cracklin…

10 Mar 2017 19
Cassava aka. Manioc is a common staple food in the tropics. Being independent of seasons, tolerant to high temperatures and easily storable, it has the slight disadvantage of being full of cyanide. There are some cooking hacks to get rid of it, this one is my favourite. It's a recipe from Dominican Cooking and includes a recipe for unique Domenican Pork ,Chicharrón de Cerdo. This is what the finshed product looks like.

Purple sweet potatoes with chickpeas and tahini yo…

24 Feb 2017 26
"We just have purple sweet potatoes," says the guy at the vegetable stall. Fine by me, the whole dish was amazing, that bit looks out of this world as well is considered a bonus by me. Great recipe found at BBC good food .

Earl Grey Noblesse

23 Mar 2017 35
One of my favourite Earl Greys by German tea vendor Tee Geschwendner. It's made from rather dark South Indian tea, Italian bergamot oil and some lavender blossoms.

Milky Oolong

08 Mar 2017 20
Milky Oolong by my favourite German tea vendor Tee Geschwendner. A fine Chinese Oolong steamed in milk.

96 photos in total

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