

28 Sep 2014

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225 visits


From the archives seen in Goodnestone House Gardens, Kent Jane Austen would often visit here after her brother married into the Fitzwalter family, it is said she got the idea for Pride and Prejudice whist staying here. MY THANKS FOR ALL VISITS,COMMENTS, FAVES AS I DO APPRECIATE THEM.

05 Oct 2021

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225 visits

Passion in the Rain?

A passion flower seen between the showers this morning MY THANKS TO ALL WHO VISIT AND COMMENT IT IS APPRECIATED.

18 May 2021

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264 visits

Malus pumila blossom

More commonly known as the Paradise apple, will bear the fruit in the autumn, good for cider making. Seen in a Ramsgate garden MY THANKS TO ALL WHO VISIT AND COMMENT IT IS APPRECIATED

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20 Mar 2016

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362 visits

The Jetty & Viking Bay, Broadstairs

Broadstairs was originally known as Bradstowe which is of Anglo-Saxon origin and means "Broad Place". The name evolved into Broadstairs as a result of the broad "Chapel Stairs" which once led up from the beach to the cliff top. Originally a small hamlet, the inhabitants made a living from fishing, shipbuilding and during periods of the 18th and 19th centuries ....... from smuggling! There has been a pier or jetty here since 1490 the last one was destroyed by the great storm of 1897 and rebuilt in 1905. Viking bay originally known as "The Main Sands", this name was later changed after the arrival, at this bay, of the "Hugin" on July 28th, 1949. The Hugin, a replica Viking Ship, was sailed from Denmark to commemorate the 1500th anniversary of the landing by Hengist in 449 AD. The Hugin is now on permanent display at Pegwell Bay, Ramsgate - the site of the original landing. Also on the horizon can be seen the turbines of the Thanet Offshore wind farm Best Viewed Large or Full Screen MY THANKS TO ALL WHO VISIT AND COMMENT

29 Apr 2021

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244 visits


Spring has arrived although the sky today is getting dark