Suburban train station - HBM!

railways and train stations

27 Dec 2019

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400 visits


Reposted by changing the date. Like many other Ipernians, I imagine, I have been taking "holiday spirit" shots in hopes of using them to share season's greetings with the community. I had also hoped to be able to enjoy shots of the "great conjunction" from those of you who are good at shooting the night sky, as well as all the creativity, ingenuity, feeling, fun and beauty we have been used to sharing here, especially over the holidays. Alas, it looks like this pesky server problem is taking more time than expected to fix. So we wait, like the two travellers in this shot I took last year as I returned from a Christmas visit to my folks up north. There will be no holiday travel for us this year. Italy will be on lockdown all through the holidays until after the Epiphany. Perhaps a measure that could have been avoided if the government had acted sooner when the second wave started in the fall, but a necessary one at this point. Instead of packing Christmas gifts in our backpacks and making our way north by train, this year we shipped the presents by mail and will get together online for a bit of virtual visiting. I am thankful that technology (and the certainly overworked postal and courier workers) will allow us at least a virtual family get together. Unfortunately, technology is not being equally good to Ipernity right now. I have only one year experience of sharing images, fun and good wishes with fellow Ipernians over the holidays, but that was enough to make me miss it sorely this time, and especially in these dark times. I worry too that this protracted downtime will hurt Ipernity and feel doubly sad for all the effort many members had put in to help promote the community. It is hard to sit and wait for the experts to do their bit without being able to do anything other than continue to wait patiently. So, I didn't change the original title of this post, although back then it referred only to the two travellers in Padova's railway station, while now it applies also to me and to all my fellow "Ipernauts". I wish all of you who are affected by the second wave of the pandemic as much cheer and serenity as can be had in these very strange and difficult times. I guess this will, by necessity, be a very restful, quiet holiday season for us. Warm wishes also to other fellow Ipernians in the countries that are not feeling the brunt of the virus spread at this time: make sure you have fun also for the rest of us!!! E naturalmente tanti tanti auguri agli amici e amiche in Italia che, come me, quest'anno dovranno accontentarsi di un Natale a distanza, un capodanno in sordina e una Befana che, a dir tanto e se siamo tra le categorie prioritarie, tutt'al più nella calza ci farà trovare un vaccino. _________________________________________________________________________ Original post: I do most of my traveling by train and railway stations always fascinate me. The light and shadow play and the colors of the graffitied train with the two waiting passengers attracted my attention.

04 Feb 2021

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108 visits

through the train window

It is but rarely that I would find inspiration in an industrial setting, but this scene I glimpsed from the train window attracted me with its intricacy and contrasts. The thick glass of the window acted as a filter of sorts and gave a bluish tinge to the grey winter day.

28 Jan 2021

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203 visits

Do not cross the yellow line (PIP)

On the platform at Prato Porta al Serraglio station, waiting for my (delayed) train back to Florence. I had to pass the time somehow ... :) I liked the colors and textures. Added a PIP of a jay-walker :D

28 Jan 2021

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167 visits

intermodal transportation (PIP)

Still waiting for my delayed train at the station of Prato - Porta al Serraglio, I noticed that someone must take their inter-modal transportation strategies pretty seriously. :)) In the pip: yellow line and rails abstract.

28 Dec 2019

3 favorites

76 visits

walkway fence

Pedestrian walkway on the railway bridge.

09 Apr 2021

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210 visits

il ponte della ferrovia - HFF! (PIP)

Evening light filters through at a slant and helps reveal the intricate structure of the railway bridge as seen from the Arno River trail. In the PIP: a southbound Frecciarossa high speed train crosses the railway bridge. Happy Fence Friday! And happy travels to those who are taking advantage of the lifting of travel restrictions!

01 Jan 2018

37 favorites


248 visits

Suburban train station - HBM!

Happy Bench Monday, everybody! I will be gone all week, so thank you in advance for visits and comments. Will try to catch up when I get back.

16 Aug 2021

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295 visits

Train station bench - HBM!

Happy Bench Monday, folks! Posting late on Sunday, as usual, because I won't have time to tomorrow. Wishing everyone a good week ahead.