light from above


08 Jul 2021

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194 visits

light from above

I have an internal stairway with a skylight where I shelter the potted geraniums during the winter. This year I got lazy and didn't return them all to the garden. The light from the skylight, however, seems to be enough for them to flower and this bloom lit from above caught my attention. For Andy and Maurice (HappySnapper). Wishing you both the resilience you need as Andy recovers from a tough battle and Maurice fights his own fight.

20 Aug 2021

25 favorites


147 visits

ninety something green thumb (PIP)

My brother's next door neighbor is an elderly gentleman somewhere around 97 or 98 years old. He grew up on a farm and as far back as I can remember (my brother now lives in the house that used to be my parents') he was the go-to person in the neighborhood for anything you needed to know about planting, growing, and generally caring for a vegetable garden. Since his wife died, a few years back, he also takes care of the flowers in the front yard, with equally spectacular results. Please meet his beautiful pink hollyhocks, thriving in the summer sun. Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday!