Simon Downham's photos

Cinema Adriatico 1

Cinema Adriatico 2

Cinema Adriatico 3

A Memory of Vieste

Pause for Thought

06 Oct 2019 6 4 144
Along a terrace by the seafront of Bari.


04 Oct 2019 28 5 251
Deep south on the Adriatic coast in the Italian region of Puglia (or Apulia).

Grand Hotel Gardone Riviera

11 Oct 2019 28 7 193
This shot was taken early morning from a boat on its way to Sirmione. The trip was surprisingly choppy. But as the cloud cleared it became a bright and warm October day.

Staircase of Love

07 Oct 2019 35 11 1306
These steps in the town of Vieste are quite striking. The graffiti relates to the local legend of the love between Pizzomuno and Cristalda. Max Gazze released a song about the legend in recent times. "An historic staircase in Vieste has been covered with romantic phrases to remember the touching legend of Cristalda and Pizzomunno. This staircase celebrates the love with the verses of the song by Max Gazzè, The legend of Cristalda and Pizzomunno, interpreted by the singer at the Sanremo Festival 2018. As with all the news, even this choice has produced many controversies. Some have defined this staircase, "the stairway of discord" and not of love. Reason? Not all the Viestans agreed that these romantic phrases were made on this staircase. For older Viestans this staircase is a real memory that should not be touched. Controversy aside, the song that made us rediscover the ancient legend of the Gargano has infused the town of Vieste with love."

A Room with a View

08 Oct 2019 23 12 180
A Veranda somewhere on the Adriatic ...

Wanna Buy?

04 Oct 2019 25 19 319
Caught in the act... This bold lady approached our group, seeking sales among us. One lady in our group bought a string of beads and a scarf. Therefore, I thought it fair game to shoot. I was caught in the act and she asked me for 2 euros (for the shot). I played dumb, indicating that I was with the woman making the purchase. She assumed I meant it was my wife and let me off. I noticed several African men sitting on steps about 20 meters away and realised that they were observing and guarding this woman who was probably their means of income. Street photography demands a fast learning curve!

White of the Nile

04 Oct 2019 19 5 219
Blanc du Nil

Porticciolo di Lazise

11 Oct 2019 25 6 220
The small marina at Lazise on Lake Garda

Porticciolo di Lazise

11 Oct 2019 24 7 184
The small marina at Lazise on Lake Garda

Drinking in the Sunshine

11 Oct 2019 26 7 305
Almost a Twin Reflection. Two young ladies enjoying a beer at a cafe alongside Lake Garda.

Opportunity to Sunbathe on Vieste Beach

08 Oct 2019 14 5 186
Just onle lady sunbathing but the season is drawing to a close as we are well in to October, but still the weather is warm.

Vista of an Adriatic Courtyard

Just the Two of us

08 Oct 2019 15 4 215

98 items in total