Discarded or at rest?

Walk to work

A collection of images taken while walking to and from work, trying to spot new things to photograph along the way. In this collection will be images captured on my DSLR as well as images shot on 120 and 35mm film stock. I have been looking for a project to photograph and now that the lighter mornings have arrived I will be aiming to walk from New mills to Furness vale daily on my way to work. As …  (read more)

Reflection as it stands

17 Jul 2023 31
This reflection seems to work the way it was shot.

Juvenile Magpie

17 Jul 2023 3 49
A bit of Black and white as I can't decide which works best!


17 Jul 2023 1 55
Male Mallard I think now that they are in eclipse plumage.

Juvenile Magpie

17 Jul 2023 2 3 63
And the colour version.

Singing upon high

18 Jul 2023 3 3 49
I could hear the Song Thrush singing but it took me a while to find it!

A riot of colour

18 Jul 2023 3 38
Parts of the canal bankside are a riot of colour this year.

Common Knapweed

19 Jul 2023 2 1 36
A flower portrait today.

Towards Swizzels

20 Jul 2023 1 2 34
A view towards the Swizzels sweet factory in New Mills

Narrow boat garden

Discarded or at rest?

07 Jun 2024 5
A pair of child's wellingtons that were at the side of the canal for quite a few days. Although everyday I past them they were placed differently.

Daisies on the towpath

07 Jun 2024 4
Catching up on a couple of shots from a while ago. These Daisies had formed a colourful clump at the side of the towpath.

48 items in total